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{August 15, 2013}   {Promo Spotlight, Review, and Giveaway} Immortals by Ednah Walters (Runes #2)

Immortals Tour7

Book Title:  Immortals

Series:  Runes

Author:  Ednah Walters

Release Date:  August 5th 2013

Genre:  YA Paranormal Romance

Length:  342 Pages

Publisher:  Firetrail Publishing

Presented by: Walking on Bookshelves & As You Wish Tours

Immortals Tour Schedule



Nothing can stop Raine Cooper when she wants something…

Raine finally knows that her gorgeous neighbor, Torin St. James, is a legend straight out of Norse mythology, and that her feelings for him are strong. Torin is crazy about Raine too, breaking the one rule he lives by: Never fall for a mortal. The problem is he no longer remembers her, his memories erased by Norns—Norse destiny deities—to punish her for defying them.

She will make Torin forget his one rule a second time and fall in love with her all over again.

But she quickly learns that well-laid plans do not work when dealing with deities and supernatural beings. Desperate, Raine makes choices that could not only tear her and Torin further apart, but lead to the destruction of everything and everyone she loves.



 “The Norns said you were in danger.”

A snicker escaped him. “From what?”

“They didn’t say.”

“Screw them. They’re messing with your head again, Raine.” He twisted the lid off his water bottle and chugged. “I wish they’d spoken to me. I would’ve told them to eff off.” He put his water on the table, his grip tightening around the plastic bottle.

Wishing I could reach out and touch him, maybe reassure him, I studied his angry expression and chewed on a piece of limp lettuce. “What’s happening to us, Eirik?”

He scowled. “What do you mean?”

“We never used to keep secrets from each other. Why didn’t you tell me what your parents said that night?”

“They said I couldn’t because, you know, you’re Mortal and I’m… whatever I am.” He took another bite as though the pizza was his enemy and chewed, his eyes staring into space though he was having an internal argument with himself.

“Did they at least tell you who your real parents are?”

“No.” He glowered. “But Mom said I’m special. Yeah, whatever that means. I told her I wasn’t going anywhere until I got some answers. Guess what? It’s been six weeks since we talked and I’m still here.” He demolished the rest of the slice in two bites, guzzled his drink, and started on his second slice. “I should not have listened to them. If I’d told you everything, you would’ve told me about the Norns when they first appeared. They almost killed you.”




From Goodreads: Nothing can stop Raine Cooper when she wants something…
Raine finally knows that her gorgeous neighbor, Torin St. James, is a legend straight out of Norse mythology, and that her feelings for him are strong. Torin is crazy about Raine too, breaking the one rule he lives by: Never fall for a mortal. The problem is he no longer remembers her, his memories erased by Norns—Norse destiny deities—to punish her for defying them.

So Raine comes up with a plan…
She will make Torin forget his one rule a second time and fall in love with her all over again.
But she quickly learns that well-laid plans do not work when dealing with deities and supernatural beings. Desperate, Raine makes choices that could not only tear her and Torin further apart, but lead to the destruction of everything and everyone she love.


This second novel in the series was even better than the first, as Raine knows the truth about her heritage and that of her beloved Torin.  The stage has already been set by events in the prequel, allowing readers to be dropped right in on the action as Raine desperately tries to make Torin remember their love.  And my, how the tables have turned… no longer is Torin the pursuer like he was in Runes, but now he’s the perused, and as infuriating as he could be in the first novel, he’s even more so in this sequel with his bad boy charm, quick retorts, and shrugging off of Raine’s desperate attempts to make him remember her.  When telling him the truth doesn’t work, she resorts to trickier methods: jealousy, and in the mad dash to bring Torin up to speed, she uncovers the truth about her best friend Eirik and her power when it comes to the Norns, making everything that much more complicated as the novel unfolds.

I really liked Raine’s character in this novel.  She’s even more sure of herself, and while she still questions her choices and worries, she’s no longer in the dark, making her able to fend for herself and do what she believes to be right in order to save those she loves.  With the new revelation of Eirik’s heritage and the darkness coming to take him away, Raine must step up even more and fight against an evil she can’t see or understand, but knows will cost Eirik his life if she’s not there to stop it.

Eirik is fleshed out even more so in this novel, and I really liked him. He’s going through some extreme changes, and the mystery behind his Runes was extremely intriguing.  And, between Torin and Eirik, this novel adds a lot of spice and fun, though much of it comes in the form of danger.

Beautifully told, this novel fleshes out Norse myth and presents a story unlike any other, and with its many twists and turns, and an intense betrayal I never saw coming, it’s a hard one to put down; I can’t wait for even more from Walters as this series is turning out to be quite promising.  It’s a great read, and I highly suggest picking up the series if you haven’t already done so.  Four stars.

4 stars

I received this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review.



EDNAH WALTERS grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and dreaming of one day writing her own stories. She is a stay-at-home mother of five humans and two American short-hair cats (one of which has ADHD) and a husband. When she is not writing, she’s at the gym doing Zumba or doing things with her family, reading, traveling or online chatting with fans.

Ednah is the author of The Guardian Legacy series, a YA fantasy series about children of the fallen angels, who fight demons and protect mankind. AWAKENED, the prequel was released by Pill Hill Press in September 2010 with rave reviews. BETRAYED, book one in the series was released by her new publisher Spencer Hill Press in June 2012 and HUNTED, the third installment, will be released April 2013. She’s working on the next book in the series, FORGOTTEN. Visit her at

Ednah also writes YA paranormal romance. RUNES is the first book in her new series. IMMORTALS is book 2. She is presently working on book 3, GRIMNIRS (Release date TBA). Read more about this series and the world she’s created here

Under the pseudonym E. B. Walters, Ednah writes contemporary romance. SLOW BURN, the first contemporary romance with suspense, was released in April 2011. It is the first book in the Fitzgerald family series. Since then she has published four more books in this series. She’s presently working on book six. You can visit her online at or





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Angie says:

Wow! This book actually sounds really intriguing! It’s definitely going on my “to read” list!

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